The gas-liquid heat exchanger is designed to transfer thermal energy between different types of media. Exhausted hot gases are used as a heating medium, which transfer heat to water or another liquid medium. The most common are tubular heat exchangers, which are a pipe system — a liquid flows through the pipes and is heated by hot gases passing through the chamber.
Another option that is becoming more widespread due to its advantages and efficiency is the heat exchanger Ribbed plate. Channels for the passage of media in this unit are limited to steel panels, through the surfaces of which heat transfer from gas to water occurs. To increase the heat exchange area, the panels are equipped with fins, and the channels for liquid and gas alternate. The direction of movement of the media can be direct-flow, counter-current and cross-flow.
Data to select a heat exchanger
Before a purchase of gas-liquid heat exchanger, it is advisable to form the requirements for the equipment and take them into account when selecting a unit. The main factors influencing the choice of heat exchanger are:
- Site and area for the installation of heat exchange equipment. If there are restrictions, it is necessary to consider the permissible dimensions of the unit;
- Termophysical data of both media — the temperature of the media before heat transfer and the required temperature after heat exchange (at the outlet), density and velocity of flows, relative humidity of the air;
- Operational conditions of the heat exchanger –both the source wheremedium will be taken from, and the medium aggressiveness value are determining factors when selecting an appropriate material for the equipment.
A gas-liquid Ribbed plate heat exchanger is more suitable and more effective for any conditions. Innovative design of the unit has flexible approach for adapting it to changing power requirements without increasing the dimensions. This is achieved by increasing or decreasing the number of panels in the module — when adding panels, the number of channels increases and the cross-section decreases, resistance increases and the flow rate decreases. Ribbed plate heat exchangers are also compact in size, which allows to be used where it is not possible to install traditional units.